Euro - Danaidae: Herts & Middx Butterfly Conservation

Nymphalidae - Danainae family (Monarchs only)

This page includes all the pictures of Monarchs photographed in Europe and shown on the original sightings page

Note: Photographs are accepted as being correctly identified by the named photographer and this website accepts no responsibility for misidentification. It is noted that some species can be found in Great Britain but are included as the photograph was taken in another European country. No details of distribution or status will be given.

Species Name
Scientific Name
59.001 BF1630 - Monarch
Danaus plexippus
Monarch Isle of Wight 2007 - Robin Pearson
Isle of Wight 2007
© photo: Robin Pearson
Monarch 2003 - Clive Burrows
Monarch 2003 - Clive Burrows
© photo: Clive Burrows
© photo: Clive Burrows